Africash Token

Empowering Africa with a Unified Digital Currency

Africash, a groundbreaking token built on the Binance Smart Chain (BNB) network, designed to serve as the universal currency for all African countries.

Welcome To AFRICASH S.A.R.L (Limited Liability Company)

Smart and Secure Way To Invest In Cryptocurrency

Africash project aims to address the economic challenges faced by African nations by providing a stable, efficient, and inclusive financial system. It’s white paper outlines the foundational aspects of Africash, including its mission, token supply, distribution, utility, and long-term goals.

Why Choose Us

We’ve Built A Platform To Buy And Sell Africash Token

The African continent is home to diverse economies, each with its own currency and economic policies. This fragmentation hampers intra-African trade, complicates cross-border transactions, and limits economic growth opportunities. Africash aims to streamline and harmonize the African financial landscape by introducing a single, reliable currency that will facilitate economic integration and spur development across the continent.

Africash aims to harmonize African economies by introducing a single, reliable currency, facilitating economic integration and development across the continent by addressing fragmentation and fragmentation.

Africash, a blockchain-based digital currency, aims to boost economic growth in Africa by simplifying cross-border transactions, promoting financial inclusion, and promoting financial inclusion.

Africash, a BEP-20 token developed by Komi Yosua Tchabi using Bitbond Token Tool, integrates seamlessly into the BNB network ecosystem.

Advantages of Africash

Financial inclusion:

By utilizing an accessible and user-friendly digital currency, Africash aims to bring financial services to the unbanked and underbanked populations in Africa, promoting economic empowerment and reducing inequalities.

Cost Efficiency:

 Africash transactions provide faster and cheaper alternatives to traditional banking systems, enabling individuals and businesses to save on transaction fees and increase economic productivity.

Cross-Border Transactions:

Africash eliminates the complexities and high costs associated with cross-border transactions, enabling seamless transfers of value between African countries.

Stability and Security

Africash leverages the inherent security features of blockchain technology, including immutability, transparency, and cryptographic encryption, ensuring the integrity and safety of transactions and funds.

Partnerships and Integration

We will actively seek partnerships with financial institutions, merchants, and platforms to expand its ecosystem, driving adoption and usability of the token

Komi Yosua Tchabi
    Komi Yosua Tchabi

    Chief of project

    A proud national of Togo, is a highly respected leader in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. his the founder and director of Greenhouse Market LTD, registered in UK : (link to find the information about the company) : He brings extensive experience and a deep understanding of Africa's unique economic landscape. Tchabi's visionary leadership and commitment to driving financial inclusion make him the ideal leader for the Africash project. He is the Africash token contract creator and owner: Africash contract on : 0x496d8C49B31ffC18c2bD9839F93BAeF771Ab1dF5

    What Is Pan-Africanism?

    Pan-Africanism is a global movement that seeks to foster and reinforce connections among all indigenous peoples and diasporas of African descent. While our project focuses on achieving economic independence for African nations, we are also committed to upholding the ideals of this movement, which several African leaders, including Sylvalnus Olympio, Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah, and Thomas Sankara, fought for. Even though these leaders have passed away, their legacies are still being honored by people today.

    Patrice Lumumba

    Sylvanus Olympio

    Kwame Nkrumah

    Thomas Sankara


    Token Pre Sale

    Private Sale Start

    01 March

    Private Sale End

    31 March 2024

    Public Sale Start

    1 April

    Public Sale End

    28 may 2024

    Rate of Sale

    10000 Afc tokens for 10 USD payable with BNB and USDT

    Number of token for sale

    2 billions of Afc

    Name :Africash

    Symbol : Afc

    token address: 0x496d8C49B31ffC18c2bD9839F93BAeF771Ab1dF5

    Other pages

    Binance Smart Chain Block Explorer


    AFRICASH S.A.R.L (Limited Liability Company)

    Company registration number: N° RCCM : TG-LFW-01-2024-B12-00871

    Address: AGBALEPEDO , 225 Road AGP ANPC , LOME – TOGO. BP: 410 LOME Tel: 71 55 32 78, +971529549572

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